There are many ways to get free yarn for charity. One way is to join a knitting club or take a knitting class. If you can’t find a club or class, you can always search online. You should also check your local events listings and see if there are street fairs or nonprofits that accept donations of yarn.
If you’re looking for free yarn, not all places will be able to provide it and might not even be able to accommodate the request. Some organizations have specific guidelines on what they’ll accept and others have strict rules around how much yarn is donated per year for their organization.
Many people choose to start their own charity knitting drives by going door-to-door in their neighborhood, asking other residents if they’ll donate some of the wool from their sweaters.
Here are some Yarn Donators (Most of them are free or super low cost)
1. LaTeaDa Crochet And Knitting Group In Carson City

The LaTeaDa Crochet and Knitting Group are a non-profit that’s open to all who are interested in learning how to make your own unique crochet items. They also host an annual competition that anyone can enter.
LaTeaDa began as a small group on meetup back in 2010 when a few friends decided it was time they get together for some yarn and crafty talk. This led them all the way through 2016 where they had grown into an amazing group of over 450 members with multiple chapters sprouting up across the country.
2. Local Yarn Shops
Local yarn shops provide a space for knitters to get creative. The demand for knitting and crochet skills is on the rise, and there are so many benefits to having a local yarn shop in your community.
3. Fan Group Of The Show Firefly

“The Whedonverse fan group, Browncoats, who are fans of the show Firefly, have been collecting and knitting brown blankets for charity since 2003.”
Browncoats is a community of people who love to watch and support the shows that Joss Whedon creates. They have been doing this work for over a decade now.
This community has been responsible for raising over $2million in support of charities and other organizations such as Amnesty International.
It is important to note that these blankets are not simply used on the streets to keep people warm. But they serve as warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, etc., in refugee camps and disaster zones across the globe.
4. Ravelry Group

Ravelry is an online community for knitters and crocheters. They provide free yarn in exchange for the user’s Ravelry username, email address, and mailing address. On average, Ravelry members give over 3 pounds of yarn each year to charity.
This is a great example of how content marketing can be beneficial to charity. It gives a sense of purpose to the user and provides them with the opportunity to feel good about themselves while doing something good for others.
Ravelry is an online community that provides free yarn in exchange for personal information like your email or mailing address. The users may choose any charity they want to receive the yarn from their donation package when it arrives at their doorstep.
5. Yarn Manufacturers
Yarn manufacturers typically provide a small amount of yarn to charity organizations for them to use in their knitting programs. Some companies such as Lion Brand Yarns donate yarn for children’s hospitals.
The goal of this article is to share how yarn manufacturers are making a difference in the lives of people by providing free products and services for charities and non-profit organizations.
6. Pattons
The National Animal Rescuers are partnering with the British Wool Marketing Association to launch a campaign called #huggarlickindesign
Patton is a British wool company that has more than 100 years of experience in the textile industry. As part of their ongoing efforts to support charity, they have designed and produced a limited edition yarn that will be given away for free to anyone who wishes to make a coat, jacket, scarf, or hat in its honor.
This is an act of kindness by Pattons and other wool companies around the world as we prepare to celebrate World Kindness Day on December 2nd. With this donation, we hope this gesture will inspire you to take time out of your day and make something for someone else less fortunate than yourself.
7. Red Heart

When Red Heart launched their new yarn, they wanted to give back to their community. They decided to donate the yarns for charity rather than letting them go into landfills, and all you have to do is send in a cute pet photo.
In this lighthearted piece, we can see the charitable side of Red Heart that shows they are not only about creating great products – but that they’re willing to give back as well.
The company announced a new initiative where if you take a cute picture of your pet with the red heart yarn attached it will be donated for charity.
8. Provide Free Yarn For Charity is a website where members can post the items they no longer need and others can take them off their hands for free.
The site is often cited as an example of a successful sharing economy business model, generated by people who want to share what they have with those who need it. uses an algorithm to automatically match members with products they are looking for, so there is no advertising involved in finding a product or trying to sell one on the website, which makes it more environmentally friendly than other sites like eBay.
9. Local Facebook Groups
Local Facebook groups are a great way to connect with like-minded people. They are also a great place for people who want to learn how to knit, crochet, or quilt. Most local Facebook groups have free yarn for charity events. The only thing you need is some free time and some skills!
Facebook has been a source of information for many people since the social media platform began in 2004. The company has grown exponentially alongside the internet and now boasts over 2 billion users worldwide.
Local Facebook groups are a great way to connect with like-minded people, learn new skills, and find information about your town or city. Locals can join these groups for free yarn for charity events on most days of the week!
10. Craft/Church Groups Provide Free Yarn For Charity
The Craft/Church Groups are an organization that donates yarn to charities and non-profit organizations. They are crocheting for a good cause, and most of the time they make hats to raise awareness about cancer.
They donate over 200,000 yards of yarn every year. They also have a partnership with the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom where they donate 10% of their profits to the UK’s National Health Service. The group spends all their profits on charitable causes, which is why they give away all their product for free.
11.Garage Sales To Get Yarn At Very Low Cost For Charity
Garage sales are a great way to find the perfect item for your craft or hobby. However, it can be difficult to find the perfect color or type of yarn without going into a store. There are websites that allow you to search for garage sales near you and purchase from them on the spot.
A few popular sites that you can use to find garage sales near your house are:
– GarageSaleBoard
– GarageSaleCoupons
– RegisRents
With the acquisition of a yarn shop in the heart of Edinburgh, Estates has become one of the UK’s leading crafts retailers.
This year alone, they have donated more than £10,000 worth of yarn to local charities and community groups.
Estates are proud to be supporting these charities by providing them with free yarn as well as volunteer staff members who administer their donation process.
Here at Estates, we believe that helping others never goes out of style and it is our duty to do so.
13. Thrift Stores
Thrift Stores are an easy way for people to donate their old clothes instead of throwing them away. They then give back some or all of their profits to charitable organizations that help provide food, shelter, education, healthcare, and more for the displaced.
Even if you don’t know how to crochet or knit, you can still make a donation. Some charities will take your used yarn and give you something else in return. You can also donate your yarn to a yarn bank which will then distribute it to people in need all over the world.
If you don’t want to donate your old, unused yarn but still want to help others, there are other options such as donating money or buying items from their charity-based website.
How To Outreach To Other Companies For Free Yarn?
Well, I got an email from one of our readers outreaching me about Free Yarn. I thought; you will get some idea about what to write on the email body to convince the Yarn donator.