You have a right to return any item within 90 days of purchase for a full refund, or even exchange it for something else. You can also request a refund for any item you’ve used less than 50% of the time.
Understand when you can return an item, and when you’ll need to have store credit instead.
The biggest question when it comes to returning items from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores is whether or not you can get your money back upon returning an item. The answer: Yes! Jo-Ann will refund your purchase in full if the product was purchased within the last 90 days and has not been used more than 50%.
They also offer a store credit on items that meet these requirements; however, they do not offer credit on fabrics
We offer in-store returns for fabric purchases within 14 days of purchase. If you are not satisfied with your fabric purchase at Joann, you can return it to any location or ship it back to Joanns Headquarters for a refund.
Joann Return Policy
1. Returns policy: if the item is in the same condition it was purchased in, you can return it for full money back.
2. If you have bout an article of clothing from Joann and it is cut from the bolt, UNWASHED UNDAMAGED, then it is considered a “complete cut” and can be returned.
3. No worries if you don’t have your receipt, because when you’re not able to return it without a receipt, they’ll give you the lowest price that that item has ever been sold for.
4. You have a 2-week window from the time you receive your order from Joann Fabrics to notify the authority and send it back (just email or call and we’ll give you the return address).
5. Once Joann Fabrics receive it, they’ll give you a refund for the product price (excluding shipping) and return shipping.
6. Never have to worry about buying the wrong fabric.
7. Get your money back if your purchase ever goes wrong.
8. Buy with peace of mind, knowing that even if a mistake is made a full refund is always an option.
When you buy a sewing or craft item from a store, it is often difficult to know if the purchase is returnable. Some of the most common types of items include fabric, crafting supplies, and sewing supplies.
Joanns has a vast selection of fabric and other sewing supplies for any project you might want to tackle. You can find everything from yarn to zippers to patterns. But what do you do if you need to return something? Well, Joann has a good return policy and you are hassle/worry-free with them.